Graphic Design Client Portfolio: JL Hunter Construction

Word of mouth marketing (WOMM) is a great way to spread the word about your business. Word of mouth, an organic way of spreading information, uses components of viral marketing. Unlike viral marketing, it is spread through a more natural source. Word of mouth is a free form of advertisement; and important to every business or product. So when a client refers a new client, by word of mouth, I am so excited!
JL Hunter Construction is one of my newest clients refered by West Fleet Services, Elizabeth West.
JL Hunter needed a new, updated logo that would represent over 50 years and 3 generations, family owned commercial construction business. They wanted to take an existing logo and develop it into a more current and updated looking logo that their current clients would still recognize but be able to reach new clients in todays commercial construction market.
Brainstorming (concepts and ideas):
Let's take a look at some of the brainstorming (concepts and ideas) for JL Hunters logo and see how they progressed and were refined into the final logo.

Refining (computer time):
After drawing and putting concepts and ideas onto paper, I have arrived at the "refining" stage. Time to see what concepts look like drawn out in the computer. Some ideas come to life, while others are just tossed out.

The Final Logo Design:
With the clients input, and other ideas the logo goes through several revisions and edits. Below is the final and completed logo design.

Brand Style Guide (branding sheet):
Once the logo was completed, a brand style guide was developed to help relay the brand look and components to others.

Thank you JL Hunter Construction for your business and thank you Elizabeth West for the referral!