the designer
graphic designer | artist
freelance graphic designer
heather dixon
Creative, strategic, and just a little bit imaginative to effectively generate design solutions that moves mountains and brings clients to center stage.
As an established freelance graphic designer with over 20+ years of experience in both corporate and freelance graphic design, I thrive on the aesthetics of graphic design to build and support businesses to stand out and be visually successful. Specializing in various areas of graphic design elements such as typography, color theory and multi-language layouts, I can conceptualize and bring to the table a polished finish design in all areas of communication: print, web/digital and social media.
Through my work and business ethics, I want to be an example of what “loving thy neighbor” in this case client, truly means. Setting an example of original concepts and design for other designers to strive for. What does this mean for my clients? That I am a dedicated, hard-working designer who doesn’t mind getting in the trenches to help build business and people so that goals and dreams are achieved. My passion over the years has been, and always will be design and art.

the professional version
after working corporate for over 15+ years,
I stepped away from all the hustle bustle
to pursue freelancing and became self-employed so that I can spend more time with my family. However, many clients still want to know my professional history and qualifications. You can view my resume on LinkedIn.

the artist
or the everyday me
not only am I a graphic designer, I first started as an artist who enjoys drawing, painting, crafting, and photography. being an artist is more of my hobby now, due to the fact I don't want to be a starving artist as my mother calls it.
also by day I am a stay at home wife, mother, homeschooler and Scouter! On Wednesdays and Sundays, you can find me at church volunteering or sitting in service learning more about Jesus, the man who died because He loved me so much!
in my free time, i like to be outdoors fishing, hiking, camping, gardening, crafting, and just letting out the artist in me!